Welcome to the Yorkson Campus!

We are a church family meeting in Richard Bulpitt Elementary (20965 77A Ave, Langley) in the Willoughby area every Sunday at 10am. This is a great place to be known and cared for, to serve others, and to walk through life together. There are kids programs, and ways for people of all ages to get plugged in and find community.  Whatever background you are from, welcome! We hope that you are able to connect with great people and come to know Jesus' love for you at Yorkson.

Fill Out Our Connect Form > 

Upcoming Events

We've got lots of awesome upcoming events at Yorkson. Whether its for kids or youth, a family event, community potlucks for the whole church, seniors activities or more, there's a place for you to plug in.

Upcoming Events > 


Find community and get plugged into a small group of Yorkson folks to share life with in a Life Group. Fill out the interest form and someone will reach out to help get you connected!


Yorkson Kids + Youth

Ages 2 to Grade 5 every Sunday

The Yorkson Campus has an amazing Kids Program headed up by Christy every Sunday for all kids ages 2 to Grade 5. There is also Middle School Youth (MSY) during the Sunday Gathering for Grades 6-8. We also join with our Walnut Grove Campus for youth events on Thursdays and Fridays. Click below to see upcoming events!

Learn More about Yorkson Kids >

learn more about YORKSON YOUTH


Join us in person every Sunday at 10am for about an hour and a half together. Our worship teams are in-person and our own Pastor Jeff preaches most Sundays at the Yorkson Campus. It's a great opportunity to sing and be encouraged together. We will not be live-streaming the Yorkson Campus, but if you can't make it, you can always watch our Walnut Grove Campus online on Sundays at 11am. 

If you've missed a Sunday or want to listen again or share one of our sermons, you can access sermon recordings from our Walnut Grove Campus on our website or via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts! Click below or search "NLCC" on your favourite podcast app!

Watch Past Sermons >


Christy Bennik
  • Family Ministries Director - Yorkson Campus
Tianna Gartly
  • Associate Worship Director

Connect Form

We'd love to hear from you and get in touch. Simply click below to fill out our Connect Form and we'll answer any of your questions regarding Yorkson and put you in touch with our ministry leaders in the areas you are interested in. You can sign up for our newsletters too!

Get In Touch >