Church is going to continue to look a little different in this season following the updated COVID-19 announcements from the Federal and Provincial governments. We will not be gathering for Sunday Services at Walnut Grove or Yorkson. Instead, we are live-streaming our gathering online with worship, teaching, and encouragement. We may not be able to gather physically but we can still be together! Join us online this Sunday at 10:00am through our website. Let's not "skip church" but rather BE the church in our homes and neighborhoods and trust that God will meet us wherever we are gathered!
In an effort to love our neighbours and care for those who are most at risk, NLCC will also be suspending all midweek gatherings until at least the end of April. We will continue to keep the church office open with staff onsite as we are able for congregational communication, needs, and giving.
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
- 2 Timothy 1:7