Office supplies are available for ministry use!

Office Supplies

If you need office supplies, we can help! General office supplies are in the office photocopier room, which you can access with your fob and key. This includes paper, pens, labels, highlighters, scissors, staplers, white boards, markers, labels/name tags, binder, folders, paperclips, and so much more! If there is something specific you're wondering about, feel free to ask via your Office Communication Form or email the office!


Office Equipment


The office photocopier is available for you to use. It can print double-sided, black and white or in colour, print booklets, up to 11x17 sized paper, and can staple documents. Talk to the office staff if you have questions or need assistance.


Paper Cutter

We have a paper cutter that is capable of cutting large stacks of paper with ease. It is found in the open office area.



The laminator can be used for paper sized 8.5x11 up to 11x17.


Folding Machine

Our machine can do trifold, half fold, or z-folds, for paper sized 8.5x11 or 8.5x14.