Our 5pm service will be on hiatus for the summer. May 26th will be the last service this season.


Why a 3rd service at NLCC Walnut Grove?

We have been steadily growing over the past year, and are currently averaging over 1,000 adults in our 9 & 11am services. We are reaching capacity for seating in the Worship Centre, parking in the parking lot, and space for kids in NLCC Kids.

Why Sunday at 5pm?

We want to maintain our values of intergenerational worship and time for prayer and community in our gatherings, and an evening service allows those values to continue to be lived out. We hope 5pm will give the most flexibility for families, seniors, and young adults alike to attend.

Is the service different from the 9+11am services at Walnut Grove?

No! All three of our Sunday Gatherings have the same preaching and worship experiences and follow the same NLCC Kids curriculum.

What about my kids?

We offer NLCC Kids programs for Kindergarten to Grade 5.

Will there be a High School or Middle School program?

We will be offering our Middle School program at the 5pm service (Grades 6-8), but High School Youth's Sunday Gatherings will continue to be held at the 11am only. High School students are welcome to join the service when they attend the 5pm. 

Can I attend in the morning and serve in the evening or vice-versa?

Of course! In fact, we will need more people to use their gifts to serve the church as we add another gathering.

Will the coffee bar still be open?

You bet! (Serving decaf so we don't keep you up all night).

How will this impact the staff team?

Much of our Walnut Grove staff team already works on Sundays as part of their regular work weeks, so a morning/evening rotation will be in place to ensure our staff aren't burning out!