I am the campus pastor overseeing our amazing and fun community located in the community of Yorkson. I have the joy of preaching and leading a community that is diverse, honest, vibrant and welcoming. We at Yorkson carry the same DNA that NLCC as a church has, but at the same time are a unique service and group of people. I can’t imagine doing anything else!
I am married to an amazing human being, Michelle, who juggles way more than me and does a better job at it. We have four full-of-life children – Reese, Carter, Rhya, and Livia – who never seem to allow any day to be dull. Life is a wee bit chaotic at times, but we wouldn’t have things any other way. We love a good movie, travelling, Starbucks, Disneyland, and speaking over each other at the supper table. Personally, I think math is the best subject in the world, and I have an unhealthy obsession for the Calgary Flames.
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm